Building Strong Minds and Faith-Filled Hearts
The SCRIP Fundraising Program is one of the mandatory fundraising activities for all families. We call it "effortless fundraising" because, with simple planning, it involves no incremental expense to families. For further information, forms, and vendors, please go to the Fundraising Tab and click on the SCRIP Link.
Over the past few years the SCRIP program has raised in excess of $100,000 for our school. These funds have been used for technology upgrades, for the purchase of new desks and to help keep our tuition the lowest of the Catholic Schools in our area!!! This no-cost fundraiser remains a vital part of the School’s operating budget.
As this program is administered entirely by volunteers, it is important that each family participate in a timely manner so we can budget and plan accordingly. Given the increasing number of late payments and failure to meet the minimum purchase requirements, in a timely manner, we ask that you follow the policy outlined below:
1 - All families are required to complete a participation form indicating whether they wish to purchase SCRIP cards or to opt-out of the SCRIP program. If you fail to submit a form, and you do not purchase any SCRIP, or submit your $125 opt-out fee, by the second Thursday in October, you incur a $300 fee.
2 - Families purchasing SCRIP cards, are required to purchase a minimum of $1450 by the second Thursday in June. If you do not reach this minimum purchase amount by that day, you will be charged a fee of $300 and will be required to pay the automatic $125 opt-out charge for the following school year.
We hope those of you who have supported this program continue to do so. Please send in your participation form, stating your election, by the second Thursday in October. The participation form, as well as order form, are available under the Fundraising tab and will also be sent home in the Tuesday youngest and only mailing. If you have any questions please feel free to contact Eira Severino or Melissa D'Agostino at: