Building Strong Minds and Faith-Filled Hearts
WELCOME TO Mrs. Carter's PRE-K 2024-2025
Our class meets Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 8:30 until 2:15.
Just a reminder that snack should be in a separate bag placed in your child's lunch box, along with their lunch food, including a drink for both.
If your child has food allergies, please bring in a bag with a few special safe treats for them to eat if we should have a birthday celebration. Thank you so much for your help with this.
The Week of February 3rd
**Please note that dismissal on Friday is at 11:15.The children will be introduced to the letter Qq this week. We will watch Singing Walrus, ABC Mouse, and Captain Sea Salt for letter recognition, formation, and letter sounds.
In Literacy the students will finish working on activity pages for the Happily Ever After story Jingles, Poems, and Rhymes. We will work with the square shape and positional words like in front of, behind, etc. We will also work on review of the letters I, J, and K.
In Math we will be continuing in Unit 5, working with sets that are more, less, or the same as others.
This week in Religion we will continue learning about God's gifts. This week we will learn about the gift of light.Students should bring their lunch box and folder to each class. Students should bring snack and lunch as well as drinks for both. Please label the snack so that we know what they should have at that time. Thank you for your help with this.
Thank you God for this day
In my school to work and play.
Please be with me all day long
In every story, game and song.
May all the happy things we do
Make you, Our Father, happy too.
Pre-K this year:
-This year we will be using the Literacy program, Happily Ever After. The children will work on comprehension skills as they listen to and follow along in big books, as well as in their own story booklets. They will complete related activity pages, which teach new vocabualry, reinforce recognition of colors, shapes, and work on fine motor skills.
The children will also be introduced to a new letter of the week, working on letter recognition, formation, and letter sounds.
-In Math this year the children will be counting, working on one to one correspondence, recognizing patterns, and sorting objects into categories. They will be introduced to 2 and 3 dimensional shapes, measuring using length, weight, and capacity, recognizing and writing numerals, and introduced to simple addition and subtraction.
-In Religion we will be using Sadlier's Discovering God's World, as well as reading and discussing Bible stories from our Children's Bible.